
To customize a solution to better equip nurses in Jamaica to have a competitive advantage in their field but also to encourage them to continue to grow in Jamaica and share this knowledge around the world. This will be driven by providing a first world solution to assist with the challenges in nurse education and day to day initial tasks through the use of technology. 

Our Approach

A bottoms up approach is what is required through Nurse Data Gathering through 1:1, cohort discussion. We want these discussions to lead to the Exploration and Idea Generation that will get us to a Technology Based Approach to help to modernize even more our health care industry and specifically the roles and responsibility of our nurses.


Where do we begin? It starts with a few conversations. It will be that simple. We just want you to connect with a fellow nurse to talk about your education and the day to day duties. During the course of that discussion, we want you to take notes of the items that if you had to do it again or differently, what would you want to have as a technology solution.